I'm about to finish my first year at LSU and my major is Graphic Design, I've been a huge fan of video games and art since I was really small (my first game ever was probably battle toads or maybe just basic Mario, I don't remember.)
Anyways, I guess a good start would be just by introducing a few of the things
First off I'll start with gaming.

World of Warcraft.
It's kind of like Warcraft 3 combined with Everquest, but on crack (and actually good.) No seriously, it's a pretty epic game.
This game is pretty amazing, I've been playing it for a few years now on/off. It's an MMORPG, pretty much the biggest most successful MMORPG out there. I'm pretty sure most people have heard of it and don't really need an in depth explanation on what it is. Basically it's just a game millions of people play together from their computer, it's very user friendly, there's hundreds of things to do, and the scenery is beautiful.

Next I'll talk about music I guess.

Utada - She's sold over 52 million albums in Japan, has won (11 I think?) Golden Disc Awards (equiv to an award received for Best *inserthere* at the VMAs) Three of her albums have debuted at #1 and she holds the record for the most sold album in all of Japanese HISTORY. Now she's setting her sights on America with her new album This Is The One, currently available on iTunes and the physical cd will be available May 12th. She writes all of her own lyrics, plays guitar and piano, produces the music for her songs and creates the melodies. She speaks english fluently because she was born in new york and lived back and forth in Tokyo / New York when she was little. She's a very talented artist and definitely deserves a listen. Her music isn't really classifiable, if I *HAD* to describe it (which is really hard) I'd have to say shes a mix of Mariah Carey, Natasha Bedingfield, and Kanye. Not saying she acts like these people or sounds exactly like them, but talent wise it's the only way I can describe her.
For me to love an artist I (more often than not) have to really like their personality. The only exception to this is probably Lady Gaga. I find her songs really interesting / catchy, but as a person I really can't stand her, she just comes off as very fake to me. I guess the reason I like Utada so much is because of all of the talent she has plus a very humble personality.
Hopefully you aren't bored yet. If I didn't sell her to you well enough I'm sorry, but if you listen to her I'll give you a bj, sound like a fair deal? k. Awesome.
Btw - Check out her imeem page. Love almost all of the music on her playlist.
Another noteworthy artist I'd like to talk a bit about..

Sam Sparro.
Sam Sparro is a Grammy nominated Australian singer-songwriter of Portuguese descent, music producer and former child actor. He may have not accomplished as much as Utada, but is music his pretty amazing. Interesting lyrics, a good voice, and a sound that just feels right. Definitely worth checking out.
Lastly I'll discuss a show I really like.
***Warning*** SPOILER ***WARNING***
Someone died this week on House. It was very unexpected and pretty depressing.

Yep, Goodbye Kutner. He was my favorite character. For me, House has been going down hill, the past couple of weeks I've just been getting annoyed at the episodes more than enjoying them. This most recent episode kind of brought it back to life for me in a weird way. As I said before, it was very unexpected. Almost shocking! I don't really know how House will be without Kutner or if there will be more of a story line to pursue why he killed himself or maybe he was actually murdered? Who knows. Either way it's pretty sad, even if it's just a tv show lol. Fox added a really weird addition to their website. A memorial to Kutner as if he was a real person and died IRL. http://www.fox.com/kutner/
Weird, huh? Anyways, looking foward to seeing how the rest of House plays out.
Anyways yeah, those are a few of the things I really enjoy talking about / watching / playing / listening to. I'll make more blog posts later, still trying to figure this whole blogspot thing out.
Btw, www.retpaladin.com (yes back to WoW) is a very useful site for anyone who plays WoW (and is kind of a ret paladin I guess.) <3
The 1st person to say Hi~ :D
Thanks for dropping by my blog.
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